Women face numerous health issues once they reach Menopause as the hormonal cycle is severely disturbed owing to the removal of estrogen. As a result, there is an accumulation of fat, and therefore there is a sudden weight gain leading to Obesity, reduced Bone Density leading to Osteoporosis, mood swings, heart disorders, etc. It is thus advised that a woman in her 40s should exercise each day throughout her life.
Osteoporosis is a condition that starts occurring in the middle age causes multiple health problems, but it can definitely be prevented if there is awareness from childhood itself.
The Role of physical activity in preventing Osteoporosis is based on evidence that it can accelerate Osteoblastosis and minimize Osteoclastic activity in the bones, thus helping to maintain bone health through accumulation of minerals. It also leads to strengthening muscles, improving balance, and thus reducing the overall risk of falls and fractures.
The Positive impact of exercise on enhancing bone development, increasing Bone Mineral Density (BMD) during childhood and adolescence, and preventing Osteoporosis and fractures in old age has been proven by many clinical and experimental exercise studies.
Thus, the two key factors in preventing Osteoporosis are:
Mission Health has come up with a unique concept to protect the bones and joints in old age called “BONE BANKING.” The chief goal of this exercise program is to remain Fit at 40, Strong at 60, & Independent at 80 years of age.
The Bone Banking Program begins in early childhood. The Bone Banking Program has 3 exercise groups:
The exercise program varies according to the age group. While High Impact Weight Bearing Exercises & Suryanamaskar form a major part of exercise for young girls, the exercise program for menopausal ladies changes to Low Impact Weight Bearing Exercises, Strength Training, Circuit Training, Pranayama, etc.